Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Being involved in a car accident is one of the most stressful, frightening and frustrating experiences that you can have. It can be hard to know what to do, but there are some steps that you can take to make sure that you are safe and get the help you need after an accident. An Accident Lawyer in Markham can be your advocate throughout the process. They will be there for you every step—from beginning to end, including going to court for any hearings that might happen. Here are some common causes of car accidents:

• Mechanical Problems

Brakes can fail for various reasons, but one of the most common causes is a failure to maintain your car’s brake system. If you were driving and your brakes failed, causing you to crash into another driver or object, you may be able to hold the manufacturer or dealer liable for damages. In addition, a tire blowout can cause severe injury or death if it occurs while you’re driving. A lawyer can handle the paperwork, deal with insurance companies and provide legal representation.

• Poor Road conditions

Suppose poor weather conditions contributed to your accident and caused injuries. In that case, you might have a lawsuit against the government entity responsible for maintaining roads in your area — such as a county, state or federal agency — depending on where the accident occurred and how long it took officials to fix the problem. A lawyer knows how much compensation you should receive based on your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc., so they can negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

• Driving under the influence (DUI)

Drunk driving is one of America’s most common causes of fatal car accidents. Many people know that driving under the influence is dangerous and illegal, but every year thousands of people choose to get behind the wheel after having one too many drinks at a bar or party. As a result, drunk drivers often crash their cars into other vehicles on purpose or due to poor judgment caused by intoxication while driving.

• Drowsy driving

Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving because it affects your ability to make good decisions while operating a vehicle at high speeds. In addition, if you drive while exhausted or sleep-deprived, you risk crashing into another car or running off the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that drowsy driving is responsible for up to 16% of all vehicular accidents. While settling with the insurance company immediately is tempting, an excellent lawyer will advise you to wait until they can investigate the situation further.

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