5 Types of Auto Accidents That Needs An Accident Attorney

Although luck and probability have a lot to do with your odds of being involved in an auto accident, there are types of accidents that occur so commonly that you need to know what made them possible. The best way to find out if you need a personal injury attorney is by knowing what type of accident you’re dealing with and how it happened.

Car Accidents Involving Drunk Drivers

When someone is driving under the influence, they are putting their lives and those around them in danger. They also put themselves at risk of getting into an accident if they’re not able to drive properly. If you were involved in an accident with someone drunk, you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer in Guelph immediately.

Motorcycle Accidents

These are particularly dangerous because motorcyclists are exposed to more risk than other users of the road. Drivers may not see or ignore them when they do see them. Motorcyclists often sustain severe injuries from these accidents, including broken bones and head trauma.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians may be injured by cars while walking along city streets or crossing the street at crosswalks or intersections with traffic lights or stop signs. In cities with a lot of pedestrian traffic, this type of accident is widespread during rush hour when people hurry home from work and school.

Car Accidents Involving Uninsured Drivers

If you get into an accident with another driver who doesn’t have insurance, that could cause all kinds of problems for you down the line. Injuries can be very costly, even if they aren’t life-threatening. You could lose wages while recovering, and if substantial damage was done to your vehicle or other property, you might also need to pay out of pocket for repairs. This puts stress on both financial situations and relationships because not only do you have to deal with the physical pain from these injuries, but there is also added stress from dealing with insurance companies. Your lawyer can help guide you through this process and ensure that all of your rights are protected.

Distracted Driving

Car accidents caused by distracted driving, such as using a cell phone while driving, texting while driving or talking on the phone without a hands-free device, pose risks to themselves and others on the road because they are not paying attention to what is happening around them.

If you’re injured, the costs of medical bills and lost wages may be covered by insurance or by the person who caused the accident. However, there are limits on how much can be claimed for these two items. An experienced lawyer knows how to maximize your claim to ensure you get all the compensation possible.

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